Want your professional beauty license to act like a driver’s license that you can use in different states? The Cosmetology Compact is legislation that will ensure your license is valid within the participating member states. Read more on how this can help you transition from state to state!
The Cosmetology Compact is an interstate occupational licensure compact. Interstate compacts are constitutionally authorized, legislatively enacted, legally binding agreement among states. The Cosmetology Compact will enable licensed cosmetologists to practice in all states that join the compact, rather than getting an individual license in every state in which they want to practice. Like the compact for a driver’s license, each compact member state agrees to mutually recognize the practitioner licenses issued by every other member state.

*image from the National Center for Interstate Compacts
The Council of State Governments is partnering with the Department of Defense and a coalition of state boards of cosmetology to support the mobility of licensed cosmetologists through the development of a new interstate compact. This additional licensing pathway will create reciprocity among participant states and reduce the barriers to license portability and employment.
An initial draft of the Cosmetology Compact has been completed. The draft is now available for review and public comment. To read the Cosmetology Compact draft model language:
Are you an interested stakeholder? To provide comment or feedback on provisions in the Cosmetology Compact, please click the survey monkey link below. To learn more about the Cosmetology Compact, join us for a weekly review of the model compact language. See the meeting information provided below.
Feedback Survey: The survey has now closed.
Weekly Compact Review Meetings: https://csg-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqc-igqT0qG9FlLePv7IoH8v-CMl0_RMEw
Questions? Email: cosmetologycompact@csg.org
Watch the Cosmetology and Barbering Compact Kickoff Meeting: